Boone's Chews are all natural dog chews all dogs crave.
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Chewing on antlers provides mental stimulation, exercise for jaw muscles, and a natural way to clean plaque and tartar from teeth all while massaging the gums.
An antler probably doesn’t seem like a delicacy to you and me, but for dogs it can be almost as good as chewing on a piece of meat from the animal in which the antler came. Let’s gnaw on those reasons that dog’s like antlers in a little more detail.
Antler marrow
In the dog world, antler marrow is the equivalent of a Snickers bar. Antler marrow is high in nutrients which means it is highly sought after for taste and nutrition. Eating antler marrow can be the difference between life and death for starving animals. However, antler marrow isn’t the only area of the chew that is tasty. They enjoy the structure itself which is the glue that holds the minerals like calcium and phosphorus together.
Mother Nature works in mysterious ways. One of those ways is that chewing stimulates dogs to release endorphins. We all know endorphins make us feel good and are responsible for that so-called “Runner’s High” that we experience after exercise. But why is chewing so important for dogs? As we discussed above, antler marrow is a great source of nutrients and is one of the body’s last reserves to be lost when an animal is in starvation mode. This means that when wild dogs are faced with poor quality prey, they often rely on marrow as a significant source of energy even though it is harder to get to. If chewing makes a dog feel good, they’re more likely to do it and therefore, more likely to get to that life-saving marrow when needed. But just because your dog is not facing starvation, doesn’t mean that they don’t want to experience the natural high from chewing.
Mental stimulation
Since most of our pups don’t have a 9-5 job, they need to fill those daytime hours while we’re gone with something constructive to do, otherwise they’ll become destructive. Gnawing on an antler chew can actually be very stimulating for them. Besides the endorphin release that they get when chewing, dogs may actually enjoy the problem solving skills that it sometimes requires to get to that last bit of marrow in the antler.
Clean teeth
The act of chewing on an antler chew is very similar to the action that a dental descaler has on your dog’s teeth. Gnawing and chewing on the rough surface of an antler can actually scrape off tough tartar and plaque while massaging and stimulating gums.
Deer antlers are nature’s perfect chew toy…100% natural without any chemicals or additives found in commercially produced rawhide, rubber, and nylon chew toys.
They are long lasting while leaving no mess on your carpet or furniture and are virtually odorless. Dogs find them irresistible and they are full of essential minerals such as calcium, zinc and magnesium.